We have two dedicated Marvell Lane stores in Australia.

While we welcome walk-ins, we encourage you to book a fitting to ensure some of our lovely staff will be around to help you.


29 Latrobe Terrace,

Paddington, QLD

Opening hours : Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Saturday : 9am-3pm



2/64 Centennial Circuit, 

Byron Bay, NSW

Opening hours : Mon-Fri 9am-4pm



DO I have to book a fitting, or can I just walk in?

You can absolutely just walk in!

However, we highly encourage you to book a fitting. The fittings system is basically a reservation system - it just guarantees an open fitting room and staff availability for your booking time.

It's sort of like tables at a restaurant - while we welcome walk-ins, if you happen to drop by when our fitting rooms and staff are reserved for pre-booked fittings, you might just have to wait your turn or come back a little later.

As a very small business, our bra fitters aren't just bra fitters - everyone wears multiple hats, so sometimes our staff have to leave the shop during business hours to get other things done. Booking a fitting helps you avoid a situation where you show up to a closed shop!

I don't need to get fitted, I just want to try things on

If you're in this camp, we still encourage you to book a fitting if you can.

Our showrooms operate like shoe stores - all of our sizes are in the back, and our fitters bring things out for you to try. You don't have to get any sizing help during your "fitting" if you don't want it! But booking ahead of time just reserves that fitting room for you and ensures staff are around to grab things for you.

How much does a fitting cost?

Fittings are 100% free!

There is no fee for getting fitted, nor is there any kind of purchase obligation.

You can absolutely just book a fitting, try things on and leave empty handed if you're not feeling it - that's no problem at all! We just know how hard it is to shop as a busty lady, and we want to do everything we can to help you find a size that feels good.

What should I do before my fitting?

Not much! We encourage you to take a look at our website and familiarise yourself with our products if you have a moment before your appointment.

The styles visible on our website reflect what will be available in store - we only stock our own designs. If something is sold out online, it's almost definitely not going to be available in store.

You don't have to know exactly which style you're after, but it's always nice to make sure our vibe is up your alley before you come down!

What happens during a fitting?

Us busty ladies have all had miserable fitting experiences in shadowy rooms with a sales assistant who doesn't know what to do with your bust size.

That's not how fittings go down at MARVELL LANE!

First, your fitter will chat with you about what you're looking for, any preferences you have, and anything else you'd like to share.

We fit by eye, so no one is going to whip out a tape measure on you. It's essentially a Goldilocks process, where your fitter will try you in one size, see how it's fitting, and choose another size for you, until one feels perfect!

Your fitter never sees you completely undressed, just in a bra (or swimsuit!) in the privacy of your changing room. They will gently pull on your bra band to feel how firm it's fitting, and adjust your straps for you, but otherwise won't touch you at all. They'll walk you through how to make your own adjustments to your breast tissue to best fit the garment.

Once you nail down your size, your fitter will bring you any style your heart desires, and you get to play dress up!

You'll have the chance to buy anything you love and take it home with you, or just leave knowing your sizes if you'd prefer to shop online. Your fitter can write you a note detailing which styles you liked and all of your sizes so you don't have to stress about forgetting!


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